Apfelbaum nach 10 Jahren zurück geschnitten. War das zu viel?
Wie vermeide ich das
Tired of using Laravel as my backend. What are some services I can use as a backend to get my apps up and running quickly?
Made an app as a fun project because It could help my gf, did not imagine it would make 10k in 7 months
Was würde mich der Spaß ungefähr kosten ?
Was soll ich in der Ecke machen?
where do you store your credit card details on your phone?
iOS eng roles posted <24 hours ago
Productivity Apps...
Running Google Ads for an iOS App? Here’s Why You Might Get No Impressions
Experience with AppAdvice or IndieAppSanta?
Monetization suggestions for a sleeping sound app
I don't need a million-dollar app. But $50-100k would be nice. How do I do that?
Aggressively wrong
Cat 7 ohne Leerrohr
Need assistance on how to remove this faster
Frau will Sonnendeck.
Bought a co-op in NYC, $745k at 6.125%
Kauffrage: Säbelsäge
What's up with Apple Search Ads?
How to promote your apps
Thinking of rebranding.
Schloss an der Wohnungstür: Falle hängt immer wieder
feeling lost, if im doing good or not, and how to improve the situation
Before & after a much needed redesign (finally paid a UX designer)