We are almost at 4k members. What would you like us to do to celebrate 4k?
What are your Hot Takes on the 80s and 90s Comics?
Batman (1997)
90s Gimmick Covers
Batman (1996)
Batman (1994)
What is your favorite independent critter comic?
Packed up a chunk of my duplicates for a comic swap tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Who are your favorite Batman artists of the 80s and 90s?
Do you read new comics? If not, why do you read back issues like from the 80s and 90s instead of new comics?
Batman (1991)
Worst Cover on the Best Book
Not zero not one but somewhere in-between
Star Wars #1 3-D
What’s a series that you decided to collect in its entirety
Remember amalgam comics?
So have all comic cons become mainly a vehicle for Funko pops or have I went to the wrong one ?
Any younger comics fans (Teens/20s)? If so what made you get into comics from the 80s and 90s?
Frank Einstein by Frank frazetta
I’ve been recollecting for about 3 years
This week's pickups
I don’t often buy modern DC books, but when I saw this cover I couldn’t say no
Maxx and Julie
What are your favorite 80s 90s independent comics?