Guys should I send a 1440 to University of chicago, Harvard, Princeton?
Can I edit my SAT scores on college board?
Official October 7, 2023, US (Paper) SAT Score Release and Curve Discussion Thread
So this happened. I'm so happy rn
Did anyone else do better on the reading than on the math? I feel like I'm the only one sometimes.
MITES Acceptence!!
Getting a 1560 (800 math 760 ERW) when I thought I didn't have the determination
Official March 11, 2023 SAT Score Release and Curve Discussion (US)
DM me if you want March 2023 QAS united states
Official March 11, 2023 SAT Domestic (US) Discussion
Hypothetically, how many mistakes would give me 1300+?
I'm just sad. I was preparing since December and even that didn't help. It seems that 1410 is a good score however for T20 you need minimum 1500...
first sat went extremely well i must say!
who else got humbled by collegeboard
I almost forgot to charge my calculator
I fell like the odd one out on this subreddit
Can colleges see your old SAT scores if you apply to summer camps?
The gap is so real (Now I can superscore to 1360)
I am a junior just starting my SAT studying. I got a 1320 (600M/720RW). Does anyone else have a hella wonky split like this?
Is a 1350 ok for MITES/MOSTEC?
Improvement from 1200s!!! Going for 1400s in March!!!
Official December 3, 2022 SAT Score Release and Curve Discussion (US)
Who was sleeping during the SAT
How do you do these types of problems