Debadged M3P
Anyone else get tripped out by model 3s shape? It looks insane different from each angle.
I opened up my daily inhaler to see what was inside
Merging isn't that hard yall
I think I need to update my graphics card after seeing this tree
in fact, the beginning of half life was like this
Found in a local supermarket, I have no idea
Live in a condo near a lake.. everything gets this dust looking cover on it in a single day
Joined the Tesla Family Today
Tesla saved me, and I’ll never buy another car.
Show me your play-fighting pictures
What are these things in my bed? This isn’t rice so what is it??
Is anybody just casually working on something and then they look at their arm and then they see this?
Any potential hazard?
Who else still fears log trucks because of this scene?
Who’s in charge?
I was told you guys would love this.
I have to go bang up the ice every day because it gets stuck together and wont get dispensed, why is this happening?
2025 M3 signals not working
Hotdog water and noodle soup
Eat it!
Chicken wing my dad hid, and forgot for a week.
how in the world
I cut myself with the crust of a baguette.
I put out a fire for the first time in my life whilst stoned when I was preheating this cast iron.