ps5 [W] runes [H] +karma
[PC] W: somber ancient dragon smithing stone, runes for 5 levels H: karma, mules
[PS5] W: Smithscript Cirque +0, Curseblade Cirque +0, Curseblade Mask, Ascetics Loin Cloth; H: Karma
PS5 W: Euphoria maxed H: karma ask
[PS5] W: Dane's Footwork +25 H: Ask
Ps5 - W: any weapon fully upgraded, H: mule and karma
[PS5] W: weapon with raptors of the mist AoW H: karma / ask
[PS5] W: arrows reach talisman H: karma / ask
Ps5 w: help with godfrey the first elden lord h: karma, runes, ask , mule..
PS5 W: info H: karma
W: Alexander Warrior Jar H: Karma, Mule ps4
PS5 W: Seals preferably maxed/gravel seal H: Ask/Karma/help
[PS5] W: grave scythe H: karma / ask
[PS5] W: Carian Regal Scepter +10 H: Ask
PS5 W: items H: karma
[PSX] W: Rowa Fruit + lump Flesh + Heafty Beast Bone H: Runes, karma
Ps5: W: Enough Runes to get me from Lvl 10 to Lvl 150 H: not much to offer unfortunately
PS5: W: Aristocratic headband, H: karma, other equipment from base game
Ps5: W: runes H: karma
[PSX] W: Messmer Helmet, Rakshasa Set H: Karma, Mule, Base game items
[PS5] W: Nights cavalry helm spiralhorn shield miscorde dagger H: A lot so just ask +karma
[PS5] W: Starlight Shards H: Most everything, mule, ask - Church of Elleh - PW 4321
[PS4] W: rune drop or mule, H: runes, all armor (DLC and base) except Duelist set, karma, mule
PSX W: As many +0 Great Katanas as you can drop me H: Karma, Mule, Ask
I wanted to purchase, but not remember doing so. How to know if it is not a trial?