Hey guys is grub!!
What Jerma phrases do you repeat often?
Drake the type of nerd to post these
NEW SUBCLASS MORTAR SOLDIER - made by tripladevin and Agus - i esteangulador da praca - idk why its so funny but my whole body startet vibrating and got so hot from laughing we were like 6-7 doing it its CRAZY EFFECTIVE
Weapon Idea!
played half life 2 for the first time yesterday and couldn’t help but notice
In whose position would you be in this scene
If soldier got a chance to fight in a civil war, which side would he be fighting on ? the Union or Confederacy ?
i havent watched forsen in 2 years, who the fuck is this and whats a TR?
you are his lawyer, how do you defend him?
Any possibilty of adding some taunts such as fist bump, rock paper scissors and square dance now that the new SDK has been publicized?
I reimagined the model of TFC Demoman in the style of TF2
The Mann Family Tree.
Which company/organization is more evil?
Jerma, you're turning 40, not 80! You're not old and you can move planets 🪐
Thoughts on Random Crits?
Protestors pushing back police officers, on the anniversary of the Train crash at Tempi, Greece. 28/02/2023 two trains crashed due to lack of the needed safety measures and 57 people died. The government is still avoiding to take accountability
Breaking news: Zelensky has sold Ukraine completely out by signing mineral mining agreement with Trump. Also Trump lectures Zelensky that America has finished the support of Ukraine. It has now fully depending on the other NATO members. USA is out of this.
If Half-Life 3 came out, would you prefer it to be in the style of Half-Life 2 or Alyx?
double check when buying from the steam market or you end up owning shit like this
Now that we know what you see in Pyro-vision, then what do you see in Medic-vision?
I'm deleting youtube gng 💔🪫🥀
(hot take) I can't get why people don't like capture the flag
Why is every single person posting about their cards tho