Wholesome update to the Imagineddy situation
How to make a unity application controllable?
Average mapping experience at the moment
Writing a REST API for a Unity application
From the Godot Foundation board:
Europeans can save gaming!
She followed the rules
[DISC] Buchigire - Chapter 1
nagai nekomata
Students demonstrating in front of the Medical School against the admission of foreigners to the medical profession: "Against the immigrant invasion, go on strike." Paris, France. February 1, 1935. [800x581]
Cafe Alpha looks so innocent under approaching storm (published in first issue of AX, April 1998)
I enjoy creating tools way more than creating a game
Tic Tac Toe C++ Game
Just drew a 10-straight from the base deck
The most memed Trackmania map of all time
still the best piece of media made about f1
Dead Game News: Early plans for stopping companies from destroying games [The Crew] (partie sur la france à 14:26)
Lightning Bug - September Song, pt. ii
Que faire de livres dont on veut se débarrasser ?
Hololive, but green. EN
If I'm supposed to save the world, the least this Tyradude could do is to resurrect my Emilio free of charge whenever he's taken one bullet too much for me. Why does he even need the money? #justjoking
GG 5point Ring
Steam Achievements question
John Von Neumann, Richard Feynman & Stanislaw Ulam together at Bandelier National Monument (near Los Alamos), 1949 [2048 x 1684]
New phone coming from Moto G8 Power