God forbid a girl use an esoteric digital input method
LPT: If you are stuck on a boss, sleep on it
Is it just me or does this game get progressively more difficult?
Do you have any specific preferences or dealbreakers in dating? Would you only date an atheist?
Do people dismiss atheism in front of you when it comes up?
Post your controversial hot take of the day
How do you guys cope with Stress?
What are single women actually eating?
wasn’t able to get the no hit freiya fight, but here’s a mini boss fight at lvl 103
Which one of you is running the Armed Resupply Pod Booster?!
Look what my boyfriend did
Thoughts on Random Crits?
Deontology and atheism?
When the Friendly Sabotages Their own Team.
Small charm concept
The Evolutionary Timeline
Almost 15h and can barely get past 3-1
How do you deal with death?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
From a secular perspective, how did kinesin proteins within eukaryotic cells originate?
Have you experienced or know someone who experienced something you have no explanation for?
What is the least worst religion or cult to follow?
Why does seem like every "conservative woman" we know is like the person that keeps going back to that abusive relationship
What are your views on the death and resurrection of Jesus?