Fang Yuan is a villain, and is evil
Poor Serpent
7 gazillion lower realms worth of mortals obliterated
A bittersweet emotion[ chapter 2230]
Humans Turned Gods
[2231+] Let's StackTogether as A Community
El aborto es un tema de ciencias sociales, no de ciencias exactas
"Vietnam will overcome" Cuban poster about the Sino-Vietnamese War, 1979.
Ask the Author Part 2
Solo es humor por favor 🙇🏽♂️
How would a conversation between these Asshole motherfucker would go? If you can kill one of them permanently, who deserve it more?
What if Queen of Worms animates the entire of GodGrave
Stalin's unspoken atrocities:
Top worst flaws
LitRPG intelligence in a nutshell
Arthalz: another idiot
Sunny supreme maybe sacred
Gunlaug the strongest sleeper?
Ask the Author
"The Soviet Union-The First Cosmic Country", Soviet Estonia, 1973
I don’t want Mordret to kill Anvil, also I don’t think it’ll happen
An MC shouldn't have to be "perfect"
Crímenes bolcheviques: Hoy 7 de Marzo, en 1938, se ejecutaron 312 personas en el campo de tiro de Butovo. En el período más intenso, de julio de 1937 a agosto de 1938, hubo 20.765 ejecuciones en el campo de tiro.