Grotesque plague bearers
Rhino for the chaps
Champion with plasma gun
What base color would go well with this? I'm thinking purple
He’s fallen and he can’t get up
Myphitic blight Strutter
Quick and dirty poxies :)
Chaos spawn proxy
Proxy Nurgled Rhino.
Safety boots on
Dynamic duo
Firstborn crusader
Meant to be mace+axe but couldn’t find a pose that suited the dual wield :(
Blood for the skulls emperor?!
Champion with plasma pistol and ‘power fist’
New to the hobby and I'm looking for a 500pts list.
Upscaled and head sculpt!
Blightlords are super fun to paint!
First git
Termi sorcerer
Blightlord Terminators
*Un leagues you’re votann*