Zen Internet Add-on Making This Browser Much More Beautiful
Why do I have two Zens?
[COSMIC] - My Zen setup
Saving split view of two tabs
Reis den bilgiler
The new update broke transparency for me
Can't install mods
Orantısız zeka 🤣
Does Mac OS offer the freedom Linux does?
Zen Mods Are Banned In Türkiye
Çeşke dövselerdi oruspu evladını
Why was your one reason because of which you decided to switch to Linux?
Sounds fair
This is better than work-spaces (for my use case), didn't know about it, has been available for decades.
Transparency in Linux?
KGB masaüstünü paylaşıyor
| [OC] Zellij 0.42.0 released with a new theme definition spec
It's too late now
PSA: scrcpy is quite alright for TFT
ana ekraniniz nasil, duzenli mi random mu
Anyone missing the 'Manual/Auto Tab Renaming' and 'AI Auto Tab Grouping' feature from Arc? Is it possible to implement both of these in Zen?
Monster Hunter Wilds is somehow in the top 10 most played games on SteamDeck in the last month. What settings are you masochistic lunatics running this at?
When your desperate for clean files.
F**k prime, I paid money and still get ads, this is insane >:(