How many times do you cook at home v. eat out?
What is the ugliest piece of architecture in NYC?
Curious: If you are biracial but one of your races is not plainly evident in your appearance, does that upset you?
Those of you who grew up poor, what was your favorite meal?
Indian x Black
Weekly Identity Thread (What am I Wednesday)
what’s my phenotype?
For those with HVAC mini splits, how do you maintain it?
Anyone else disappointed by the releases in 2025 so far?
What’s your least favorite building/structure in New York?
What bakeries in the borough do you enjoy visiting in the cold?
Who's your favorite DA? Or are they the ADA? Mine is Alex!
Small Businesses - In Person
What train do you think CUNY students take the most?
What’s the most you’ve ever walked in a single day in NYC?
What's a dead giveaway someone grew up as an only child?
What's your age, and something you still can't do?
How did you get screwed over genetically?
Random Lines That Pop Up in your Head
is there a LOA form for CCNY?
Favourite Miguel guest appearance 🎤
Which TV show has an intro you can't skip?
Who is the greatest R&B artist here?
What are do’s and dont’s on buying mattress/beds here in NYC?
Furthest you’ve traveled for a show?