Getting underneath another mans hips (for X/SLX) - spider guard?
Gretchin's Questions - Weekly Beginner Questions Thread
Help me with first PC build! $1500USD budget
Would this build work for what we want?
Need help with poison weapons and occult affinity
Give me your dumbest / craziest builds & I will use them to no hit Consort Radahn.
Fangamer still in business?
Recommend a laptop for my wife!
Seeking Recommendations, budget $1000 USD
89' Ibanez USA Custom Necromancer's Castle
Help with routing my playthrough?
Songs that perfectly transition into each other
Radahn is not being very nice to me. Care to clown on my build?
Anyone else have an extremely close call when they beat the final DLC boss, or just me?
Humble Bundle is doing a bundle of Jeff Vandermeer ebooks to benefit the Trees, Water, and People charity
What’s your favourite “non meta” build for the DLC?
After many (60+) attempts, I finally beat the last DLC boss without summons! (NG+)
What are your go-to overtly complex and specific yet delicious sandwiches?
Maliketh's Black Blade build advice
Alien 45th Anniversary Re-Release in theaters
Primitive Man live
Southern Reach, any news?
Has anyone played Visage? Is it a good horror game?
Hardest boss
After 1 year and 3 months, I did it!