Nuclear Fork Barbarian
Who's the only woman to make Jesus rock hard?
Accidentally Broke Someone's Driver Shaft: What Do I Do?
What's a common misconception people have about your job or field of expertise?
Biggest golf pet peeve?
What repetitive human task are you tired of doing?
What is the most epic golf fail you've witnessed in person?
If you were the opposite gender, what would you do?
What's the most memorable shot you've made or witnessed during a round?
310 playing 230. Par 4. What are you hitting?
Placement of built in screen
How do you mental recover after the worse game/session you’ve ever played
Carved my own putter out of stone
Cooling sleeves are a game changer!
What's your favorite food you hate when on coke?
What's the longest bender you've ever been on?? 😜💖
I’ve used the same ball for 10 days AMA
How many days in a row honestly could you golf before you wouldn’t want to?
Need a good comeback asap
Anyone see this ring before?
Anyone ever see a ring like this before?
My crib. Why can’t I make a 9 a the cut? Seems fair to me
What to throw away…?
Who knows what this red button does?
Opponents Crib.. What would you throw?