if you could make everybody in the world all agree on one thing, what would it be?
What's the first video game that you have ever played?
what is the most iconic anime fight?
What’s something that impresses you?
If an alien came to Earth and asked for our best dish, what would you give them?
How can anybody stand pushy people?
Do you think races/ethnicities who don’t hold as much power are unable to be racist due to powerlessness? Why or why not?
What are you starting to love more as you get older?
What’s a short video that never fails to bring a smile to your face?
What’s one quality that all of your successful relationships/dating experiences had in common?
What’s ur signature drink when u go to the bar ?
What fictional character has the most aura?
What’s your favorite Star Wars movie?
Jak X Hero mode… bro…
Jak X / TLF
What’s your favorite Legend of Zelda dungeon?
Why should you do drugs?
Have you ever fell for a scam? If so, what kind?
What is common sense?
Have you ever witnessed a miracle? If so what?
What is something that men will lie about, no matter what?
Having trouble accepting that people just want me to be better, even though i was a sex pest.
I just turned 21 and am afraid to have my first drink
What singer or band did you see in concert before they became famous?
What is a movie that you will never rewatch?