Lugares donde vendan teclados de computadora?
Cuál es la imagen que tienen los españoles de los portugueses?
During the rise of hitler was there active resistance against hitler ?
🇦🇷- Huge protests happening right now in Argentina. Crowds in Buenos Aires want higher pensions and end to Prez Milei’s austerity measures
Propongo que dejemos de sufrirnos y dividamos el país
My PS3 is unable to run any games
Why didn't Latin America implement export-oriented industrialization in the 20th century, like Asia?
Me estoy cagando de embole en Mar del Tuyú
If printing money results in inflation, why didn't Japan just print lots of money to get out of deflation in the 90s and 00s?
Trabajar para argentinos siendo venezolano
Why did Gorbachev allow free elections? Since it is evident that the socialist governments could lose their power
How to learn economics as a 15 year old?
El pbi de argentina se duplico entre 1998 y 2011,se estanco a partir del 2011 y seguimos igual hace 15 anios. Porque?
Hello, I am an Argentine with Hungarian ancestry, and would need help translating this document
Could a voucher system work better than UBI ?
Why isn’t South America a larger manufacturing/exporting hub?
se necesita un castigo ejemplar, algo peor para esas escorias
El usuario u/Latter-Credit-465 es un gordo baitero, baneenlo del sub por troll, su foto de perfil es esta:
Is there an economics system/philosophy where the government produces goods?
Is this comparison of Australian and Canadian income valid?
[LOSTWAVE] 💿 unknown 90s song from a radio station of Argentina 🇦🇷, does anyone know this song ?
How is Cuba's GDP per capita (relatively) so high?
What is the best DNA test for ethnicity?
China has a substantial lead over the United States in manufacturing but the media won't tell you this and if anyone dares to highlight it, they’re accused of being a Chinese agent instead of addressing the facts.