F’ed up big time
Every president gets a state named after them. Which state do we name after John Adams (state would be called "Adams" in this case)
The White Lotus - 3x05 "Full-Moon Party" - Post-Episode Discussion
To the group of kids sieg heiling at the Lincoln Memorial tonight:
Lachlan’s tragic end
Which president had the most successful military career? Which had the worst?
is it gay to not wan be round women
Sunday activity- do the Big D
are we allowed to go streaking?
Is $1000 enough for 7 days in Japan?
Using ChatGPT to write your article?
A little thing I have noticed about Fredo in the films.
Stop laying on your horn
NY State ad in Union Station recruits federal workers fired in ‘Doge’ initiative—trying to lure them north!
Oh boy
Guys, don’t be a simp in a foreign country!
Why does nobody in NYC seem to care if the people who run for mayor are actually non transplant real New Yorkers tm?
Why does nobody in NYC seem to care if the people who run for mayor actually live here?
To the guy running on wisconsin ave nw this morning
Presidential Reunion Painting by Pawinee McEntire
How to save bullets in RDR2 with the fireplace
Do you think playing classical music on the metro would deter crime?
NYC PIX11 anchor claims she was treated like 'slave' before firing: lawsuit
I think my sister likes Obamna a bit too much….
Low class bimbo