You're having an episode again Frank, aren't you?
She REALY did her best.
Holllly Shiiiiit.
Which horror movie has the most unsettling atmosphere from start to finish?
Famous Mac and Cheese
Brokeback MacDennis
Does Frankenstein want to come out and play?
You Enter The Always Sunny Universe (you can leave anytime) How Long Do You Stay?
Smokin’ some MacDennis
My hotel has a fancy painting of (obviously) Frank Reynolds in the lobby area
Shit, I don’t Care either.
Peak Artemis
One My Favorite Bloopers From Charlie and Mac
Idk this jabroni
Nice nips, Cupcake.
We did a bunch of those monster energy drinks and dry humped. It was awful. I think she game me poison ivy.
What is your favorite episode and why? I am pretty confident that "Mac and Charlie Die pt. 1 and 2" is my favorite two parter. The poppers, the wedding dress, the car crash in the alley and most of all the bon jovi backed slide show.. It's all gold.
Who is your favorite RECURRING character?
What’s a horror movie with a really unique concept that you think more people should know about?
No wonder Dee never became a successful actress, these Are the headshots she would send to agencies 😂
Could Be a Good Show.