As a petite gal I am terrified of bodily changes, can any of you share your experiences
Old women's saying about breastfeeding
My baby doesn’t need my milk anymore and I don’t know how I feel about it
I feel like a failure for not going into labour naturally
Why did you choose to have an unmedicated birth
Will the aversion go away?
fuck the schedules
Company ignoring notification of intention to terminate contract - where do we stand?
Low-lying placenta got CLOSER to cervix between 12w0d and 14w0d. Did anyone have this happen and have it resolve so they could ultimately have a home birth?
what are you favorite birthing/baby preparation books?
3yo insisting she's happy while sobbing
When did your EBF baby sleep 6-8 hour stretches at night?
Trying to increase supply but what is a clog and how empty is empty?
what milestones are you seeing your baby hit, or not?
When and how did you stop nursing to sleep?
Baby barely takes any water
am i terrible mom ?
How bad do postpartum tears actually hurt?!
Everyone keeps telling me my second labor and birth will go faster.
What are your fav home birth memories?
Losing my will to do this. “Overdue” and having fears. Would love some encouragement.
Non Americans: when did you stop breastfeeding your baby and did you switch to whole, milk, formula, or neither?
No pelvic pressure?
Anyone successfully convince their partner to go for a third kid? Can you share how you did?
Why is it important to people to EXCLUSIVELY breastfeed?