Ngl this scared the sh*t outta me
blows up forearms with mind
What’s the point in XXS?
I couldn’t stop her if I tried. My wife ate one of these before I could catch it, so cue the weirdest post I never thought I’d make. Is there anything mixed in with these I should be concerned about her having eaten?
I just wanted to customize my character
Bro “school air” is genuinely so real
What Made You Play Bandori?
Kid learns that doing stupid stuff can hurt you
My best girls from each band. Am I based or mid?
Comparison of old and new model
From Those who once lost their way, to the Social Media Girls, to the Chill Girl(s), to the Arisa's Band Dream and The Anti Talkative Band
Whoever told me that Kasumi would want me to keep practicing, thank you
What’s the best age to spay😣 is it cruel to spay?
“A pill a day keeps the hungry away,” I said, the fat girl staring back at me in the mirror as I swallowed the pill.
What song will you play
Is it impossible to go beyond lvl 25 difficulty with just 2 fingers?
What Bang Dream character is this?
What character (other than ralsei) is this?
AITAH for calling my teenage son a fucking moron ?
Before I even get too invested, am I going to have to pay to progress in this game. I haven't played since VV3
I tried to keep it secret that I'd joined the Russian church, but the information leaked anyway.
Maxed Out The Hardy Helix Jewelries Set (And here the stats if you want to see them)
A trans person in Dearborn Michigan shares their story in a room full of haters in an attempt to stop the banning of books
How do people get so good?
Men will go “I can’t get girls 😔” then when u give them reasons why, they won’t do those things