13. ᚦᚦᚦᚦperfect violation ᚦᚦ v2tm ft Bladee & VS-55
what songs use the elusin haunted mound tag?
Name this album
What is your the most notable lyrics you’ve misheard from bladee cause of his accent
has the mound interpolated this song before it sounds mad familiar
U got one dg/sb song to break that one “I listen to everything” bro
i dont think Luctus Mane is talked about nearly enough
What are your dream dg collaborations?? Mine would be bladee + snow strippers or Edward skeletrix
fav & least fav bladee
In honour of Gluees 11th birthday whats your favourite track on it?
how do bladee’s happier/optimistic albums feel to you guys now that cold visions is out
Old gens remember the Chungus man Spotify songs on sems account
One of the most underrated albums of the last few years
Tary fw the sitting cat
Husqrider MV is gone
What are haunt o holixxx listening today ?
Bladee stuns in a new picture shared to his Instagram story
Most Punk Sematary song?
"Endless virus" lineup by Felix Lee, indlucing Rooster, Palmistry and Woesum
Has anyone noticed how much “one in a million” references D&G?
Upcoming releases
What are some football references in Drain Gang?
how many times did they dream in a dream