I'm low on memes, I have a script running 24/7 that downloads whatever image is commented
How silver plate foreign for please?
”Europeans can’t understand how big the US is”. Oh, well… actually…
My user name as image...yours?
Old, hardworking, lonely fella leaves everything for a young, fancy thot and goes on to rescue some apes. Quite unclear why.
Whats his name?
A supercomputer develops mommy issues and ruins therapy for everyone.
In your opinion, who is the better actor?
Vad sägs?
Welke plek geven wij op?
Kan vi snälla skicka ett roligt bidrag till Eurovision i år?
Starta barnboksförlag??
What is the single most epic sci-fi novel ever? Whether it be from a series or a standalone book which is the most epic story you’ve ever read?
Favorite time an actor wasn't "Faking It"
What's Your Favorite Firefly Scene?
ChatGPT and other chatbots are hurting publishers even worse than we thought.
Måste man operera bort ryggraden för att jobba som rekryterare?
Vad är det här? Snälla hjälp.
Hur laddar man upp Kurslitteratur online utan att få rättsliga åtgärder?
80-åringen: Det flickor inte vet mår de inte dåligt av
A truly great Opening Scene can be a cinematic Mic Drop. Which opening scenes have Instantly captivated you and set the tone for a masterpiece?
Most attractive character you’ve seen on screen?
What’s a movie reddit will not accept ANY criticism of?
Vad kan man få för stödinsatser på universitetet?
Hjälp! Ska intervjua Alexander Bard – tips på frågor?