My Daughter’s First Few Creations, Grouchy Cat is my favorite!
Capital Protests Today
Capital building
Why are no reputable progressive groups involved?
Democrats elect Ken Martin, the party leader in Minnesota, as their national chair
[USA - CT] Looking to buy the board game 40 Hats for 40 Cats
Medical care for the young and the old
Did parents in the 80s really allow their kids to roam freely, or is that just a portrayal seen in movies?
Vintage Pack of Lucky Strikes-Presidential Seal
Holy Shit
I want to name my little guy something SK themed.. ideas?
Today is a good day!!
What’s your fav savory breakfast, not including eggs?
What is a good response to “how are you”, if you’re not good?
I Messed Up
Who are y’all voting for and why?
This woman has a cancer survivor and shows progression before and after
If someone goes to prison at 18 and is released at 70, how do they survive financially until death?
Kinda worried about my 3-week-old daughter's name...
What do you secretly, and quietly judge other people for?
Found in a sealed box of penne pasta (Real)
What’s something you would 100% buy at Costco if they sold it?
I (37f) caught my boyfriend (38m) with his pants down, literally.
Using a grocery cart to clean the trash out of your car.