Goldar vs Tommy Master Morpher.
Best and worst Leader for each rarity (in my opinion)
How many boxes for master morpher ? With a drop rate like this how much gem is average to get him ?
Any tips for goldar leader ?
What’s the whole point behind the “Under 18” if a lot of competitors are over 18?
I changed ONE HABIT, and it created a crazy domino effect
How are my boxes ? Any recommendations for build with red turbo or yellow wild force ?
Mastodon Sentry new bugs
How are my boxes ? Any recommendations ?
What Norwood would you classify this as? (20M)
Is this a good set up?
Will the redeem code button will ever be used again lol ? I mean are we getting any freebies soon ?
After so many losses.. I gave in and got myself a red turbo
Green Mystic vs Ranger Slayer. Ranger Slayer feels so cheap with the strike baiting, and long animation, footsweep.
why some rangers have their energy level refilling while they're still combo-ing ?
How did I win this
Am I balding? or is it just a hair part?
Finally Winning against this stupid ranger
Me every couple weeks ngl.
What's this game for you?
Is this a politics sub.
Bro is determined
Yes, it feels nice...
dude. this game needs to be fixed. (see caption for rant)
Another Diagram I made for FAR. Open to advice or criticisms
Why is this guy rarely in the discussion when speaking on “Strongest Rangers”?