How can I make this modest? I was thinking of wearing a loose black blazer over it.
I roasted my student today
Romance is like rizq
Most people shouldnt have dogs
Should I get married for the sake of my mom ?
Just out of curiosity, how old are you guys???
Spike & Deku by Jocelyn Combe
What is Faye's ethnicity (not trollbait)?
This hits really hard 😢
If a special OVA was released to commemorate the series- what would want it to be about?
I could fix them
Julia And Spike Cuddle
Found this on Pinterest. Anyone know the reference?
Anime Suggestions
Fantasy AU: Prince Shoto can’t help but think of the beautiful knight Momo Yaoyorozu.. thought he’d look cooler in colours and yeah, I feel Jellal’s outfits suit him great..
Faye and Jet after
So this sun can’t handle spike is Chinese? Actually toxic and crazy.
Sisters who moved from the West to a Muslim country, how was it? Share your experiences
Headcanon: How would the Bebop family spend Christmas?
Muslim woman stereotypes?
Do you have a Julia or a Spike in your life? (Minus the dying part)
What happened to Faye here? (Wrong answers only)
Where are you from (using food names only) ?