Silent Hill characters and their convenience store purchases.
I work in an ER and found this note stuck behind the soap dispenser in one of the bathrooms.
Surface Piercings
Started my septum stretching journey this week! 16g to 14g right now :)
Feeling "weird" and constantly thinking about the mass shooting victims our ER had this morning.
What is this building going to be?
Some knee juice the doctor just sucked out of my knee
Inpatient Mental Health Programs
Some of you make better walls than passengers
Please make it stop.
Two for one today.
UPMC jet frequent flier to Florida city where CEO owns condos
Mary Louise on Mulford Street in Pittsburgh, PA, 1937 (photo by Charles “Teenie” Harris)
no thank u
Where is Pittsburgh's best psychward?
As celebration of me leaving this company next week, I made these badly edited images of Godzilla attacking UPMC while on company time. Enjoy.
After stopping T a few years ago because of a shitty doctor’s office and hatred of poking myself, look what I got today!
Constant misgendering at work from patients and employees
UPMC Montifiore - Scissors, Batteries, Trash all over my mom’s room for days - sad hospital.
People who use the bus HOW
This is literally a HIPAA violation is it not
Bugs for least they want to take the bugs to the hospital.
Just got my Kindle today! The Paperwhite Signature Edition. I’m so excited to have it! 💕
Any readers in here? What's good?