I found tinder on my married mums' phone
How do I know what instrument is for me?
my shoes suck (help)
I'm in a friendgroup of 3 and one of my friends doesn't like the other one (atm)
Website to watch free anime stream and complete season and with eng sub
I can’t verify my age due to ‘hardware issues’
Is my (F14) ex (F15) into my (F16) sister?
I (14F) think I accidentally friend-zoned my crush (14M) 6 months ago. How can I fix this?
Tips for learning the trumpet whilst marching
Jay... it's been so long, FINISH THE RE4 REMAKE 😭😭
How can i firm up my tart dough quicker?
Does this guy even matter anymore?
Im a new cadet and forgot to book absence, should I be worried?
Who is this ( Wrong answers only )
I had enough