Graduating from grad school in May. 100K in loans, what should I do next?
Recs in Philly's Chinatown?
NBCOT studying
How to get my cat to play?
Looking for an inclusive salon
OT program failing to prepare for clinical practice?
Ideas to practice splinting at home?
What’s going on with Gallery Pastry Shop?
What do you wish you could’ve asked your employer in your interview?
Why isn't this illegal? Where is the AOTA on this?
Advice after graduation?
does your ibs flare up when you're stressed or anxious? do mental issues affect your gut health that much?
[NB4A] looking for a little gay romance vampire arc!
How often do you use the COPM?
Hair loss
LTAC Level IIs?
How to be prepared for FW when my program is all theory?
Is this normal? IU North wife just delivered and they are charging insurance almost 3/4 Million $.
Speech to text program suggestions
Accidentally touched brand new piercing...
Assistive technology - where to start?
Need advice
Got an interview for a school! Now what?
Personal statement feedback (so far)?