Whats an Uzi song that grew on you?
Maybe Carti isn’t THAT bad
This is Girls WLR
Shut the sub down at this point, this man is unforgivable.
albums that fucking SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Genuinely who tf is this nigga bro
What do you guys think about Jason Day’s choice of outfit on the course?
That's creepy Type shit
Neither of the 00X0 Hurry Up Tomorrow bonus tracks feature Carti
What is your future deep cut?
What is your lil wayne deep cut?
Former Rapper Playboi Carti mentions his next album on IG
What makes Emma Watson so appealing to male gaze?
Everyone doing ok out there??
happy Friday Reddit!
Hi, I'm a new fan, like fresh meat, and I had a question.
Did Uzi Fall Off?
I want to hear everyone’s Top 5, let’s respectfully argue
Best Uzi deep cut?
What carti songs are these?
I can’t take Carti seriously when he airbrushes his face mf look like this 😭😭😭😭
Rapper Playboi Carti threatens fans by uploading the next set of fitpics to his finsta
Fuck this mf
Is Long Time arguably the best, if not, one of the best songs Carti ever made?
DJ Akademiks speaks on Carti album again