What 53% of y’all voted for
Is there any way to play offline co op (couch play) while in franchise mode?
Let the "I TOLD YA SO, DIPSHITS!" begin!
Nick's face is so perfectly innocent I died XD
Do you agree with Senator Bernie Sanders?
Who's staying here?
My local nature reserve uses red lights to reduce the impact on bats
Can someone explain how to get the old dragon taming event back? I liked the one with the animation
Umm guys?
How do you think they're going to connect this one to season 8 for no reason?
Character won’t get pregnant Even with cheats
The movie is too gay to function
What’s your head cannon for a rider of Cannibal. (Spoilers Extended)
Who’s your head cannon for a rider of Cannibal?
My mother’s reaction to the end of season 1
A cool guide to nicknames of American and Canadian states
baracuda attack
My current House Hasty playthrough (and Targaryen family portrait)
The Next Generation
Hummingbird hawk moth (CO USA
Who do you think Jace’s true father is (spoilers extended)
Rhaegar and Lyanna, good ending
Why didnt Finland get a king?
My gawd. Just look at 🐔 how adorable.