I've been fighting with these bugs for weeks! First I thought they were thrips but now Im not so sure. There are many outside the pots too! Anyone know what these bugs are and how to deal with them?
My friends Scindapsus pictus did a white leaf. Can anyone tell why or how? I mean this is so weird.
Someone is flowering! I have heard it can harm the leafs, what should I do?
I'm in love
Does anyone know why my croton is drooping? She was perky until now, and I’ve had her for about a month. I haven’t changed anything. She is still in her nursery pot. I live in New England. I water by misting when soil seems dry. I heard crotons are brats, but this is our first tantrum!
Finally I got zebrina. It's huge and I love it!
What are those darker spots on my nanouk? Too much water or light?
Does anyone know what my croton is doing?
I just got my first alocasia! Can anyone tell me what kind of alocasia it is?