Anyone else sick of people who call depression or/and anhedonic people "lazy"?
Is anhedonia a severe condition like mine where you can't feel emotions?
OCD eventually matures to Pure-O
is there a point to spend more on some beyblades if the new UX ones are coming out?
This research paper points towards a bioelectric issue with PSSD.
Ambitions Being Destroyed By OCD
crazy new symptom, wanna share in case anyone else has
Would you call this PGAD? (wellbutrin related)
When you get the flu you feel worse
OCD is a witch's curse.
is advil safe for crash?
Lower body training and tight pelvic floor
Do some people really randomly go back to normal after like 8 years? I don’t see how.
I am begging for reassurance that this is going to get better
Has this person reached out to you?
Constant urge to be/ semi orgasmic feeling
Found the “switch”
To The OCD Sufferers in America RFK jr Wants to Ban Psychiatric Medication
Nerve pain all over body - is this usual?
Anal Sex to led to ER visits and losing 15 pounds.
Squats and bodybuilding, is it safe for hypertonic floor?
My ocd hates horror/murder games so I played one
anyone else get symptoms elsewhere in the body?
Anyone else get this? awareness of pelvic floor creates strange nerve sensations.
Feeling of Prostate stimulation?