Como se hacen amigos en la U? Que tipo de conversación meten?
What’s Sonic Youth’s heaviest song?
Why does Abode call Thirteen and Fourmen 14 when they are dating?
What do you consider 'The Best Closing Track' in history of Emo?
Favorite SY Use Of Effects?
Quality decline
(Hated Trope) When a show expects you to like morally grey characters even though they are just awful, uninteresting, or both
It appears that Recluse takes up a majority of the Nightreign art on the greensite lol
would he say this
I never understood why Sugar Kane was never as big a hit as Teenage Riot or Kool Thing, it has a catchy verse and chorus, a killer solo, and an insane bridge. Maybe people slept on it when it came out, either way, total banger
Asa is the third-wheel
More emo songs that sound like this Masterpiece??
system of a slop
differential diagnosis for nutting?
I’m thursty
What was your first thought?
Best ORANGE albums, what’s missing here?
kim and kurdt
Best GREEN albums, what’s missing here?
Rank these Five Sonic Youth Songs with 1 being your favourite;
Best RED albums, what’s missing?
The ones in his chest
What's your Elliott "Deep Cut"?
what are the origins of this picture?