(BL3)(PC) ~ Vindicator Ghast / Mesmer combo
(Bl3) (pc) does anyone have a muse with illuminate fist +3
(Ps5) anyone able to give me a few sand hawks around level 74?
Lf God rolls of Bounty Hunter class mod. Lf: action CD, sniper dmg, jakobs stats, crit dmg.
Best shotgun for Phasezerker?
I lost Lydia! I've just restarted the game and this ghost Kvenel just 1 shotted her. Is there a way to bring her back? I don't want to just leave her here
does any one have a cloneing madding tracker or a vincator ghast call hat they would be willing to dupe im on (ps4)
Looking for god roll stack bot(PS5)(BL3)
LF: Someone to help me get a lvl1 Revolter for my Amara build.
(PS5) can someone drop all bl3 cosmetics?
(Ps5) (BL3) Victory Rush
Ogre OP 10 (Perfect not necessary)
Small but interesting discovery.
(PC)(BL3) ~ Greetings everyone
Found this little cutie today.
I don't think I'm getting a better drop than this...
Spark plug deathless
Can anyone help mod me some Eridium? I have been grinding anointments non stop but I can’t get what I need and that’s only for one gun. 💀
(XBSX)Iso bounty hunter mod with crit weapon damage mag size
(PS5)(BL3) can someone help me out with a good roll on the peregrine pls
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