I am 16 days dpo I have been test on and off since 8DPO just wanted to show the progression for anyone that’s curious
Does this look pregnant??? I feel like the photos don’t do it justice 9 DPO
Hopefully we are successful this time
Does this look positive to you??
Doll house questions from a first time builder
Feeling discouraged
I’m looking for any really good reference books for art history. It can be general art history or specific to a region or time period. I’m looking for things to flip through to learn about art history and get inspired for my own art
Does anyone have any tips for growing out your eyelashes and your nails I have tried a few things but nothing has worked any advice?? Thank you in advance 🥰
The tea pot my Moroccan boyfriend got me for my birthday 🥰💕
Semi healthy plant based OMAD.
Best drugstore foundation and concealer Recommendations?
Can anyone recommend a good book to read if I’m into ancient civilization, I will take both fiction and non fiction recommendations :)
Calcite Fossilized Clam I dug in Florida
Found these Dolce & Gabbana pants for $7