When the ad for this 03 said all original parts I didn't expect the cabin air filter to be among them
What are these plants in the median on 19th? Given where they're supposed to try and live I'm impressed by their hardiness.
03 V70, e-brake shoes must be worn. I'll just pop the rotor off and replace... Oh God
What's with the "wiggle" in this course?
What's a good swap-in for the N12?
Alternative locations for household hazardous waste disposal?
TIFU by just dumping whatever oil I had in my N12 with 145k
Does anyone LIKE Zabbix over alternatives? If so, why?
Enumerators: if you had a dollar for every time you've heard this answer, how much coffee could you buy?
Went out for delivery all day, went back to the depot, now says delayed until Monday (it's Saturday). WTF?
Mystery black wire coming out of mystery relay
Needless to say. Fuck ever doing a rear wheel hub on a Pri again. 💀 I’m pretty sure this was a factory original 200k mile rusted on hub. I bent the outward curved pry bar backwards past straight. My back is gonna be done for tomorrow 😭and I definitely need to swap that rotor out next brake job 👀
I’ve been seeing a lot of hair blunders, so here’s mine!
Why is this part (13718611921) so damn hard to find?
Is the floor in the R55 the same as the R56?
Merry Christmas to all who celebrate. A question about weight loss
A lot of drinkers are going to ask me the question over the next few days, how do you deal with them?
I wish I could find an 18+ game that was actually a game
Irritability and lack of enjoyment is setting in
2-way Zabbix/PagerDuty ACK & more
Why does this happen to me and what can I do to fix it
Handicapped dude smokes salvia for first time
russian vending machines
This chopped mini van
Which Sonoma County Restaurant Do You Absolutely Refuse To Patronize?