Day 3: who's the Greediest of them all?
Who is the right here stefan or katherine 🤔
How can people hate Cam?
I can't stand Alex
Who of you watched the show while it was airing?
S2 finale and my husband’s first watch SCARY accurate prediction
Niccolo always loved Chiara more
What zodiac sign do you think each character is? 🎂
What’s the most UNREALISTIC thing Gossip Girl made you believe was normal?
Am I the only one who hasn't seen the third generation?
blair or serena?
If you had to rewrite Blair, how would you do it?
Ceffy o Freffy?
Phil, always Phil
Which Character will you dislike no matter what others say?
Dan should have known who G is
¿Qué otras series españolas hay que valgan la pena?
Am I the only one who doesn't like blair as a person?
Me gustaría que recomienden un libro de terror con un ambiente oscuro. Ni tan denso ni tan ligero
Taylor Albums + GG Characters
Hola, me podrían recomendar libros de este género? Y de paso comentarme que les pareció, a los que leyeron este libro?
Blair is narratively at her best without Chuck...
Which character would you have liked to have a spin-off of?
D stands for...