Is Gabler controversial outside of the show?
Am I the only one who thought that _________________?
Episode 12 - Live Discussion
Watching SoPa for the first time and loving Brandon Hantz as such a sincere and unique character. Why doesn’t he get more love on here?
[48][Speculation] Stephanie in the challenge, as well as future shots of her
Did anyone ever stop watching Survivor or come close to?
Why do they never wear hats anymore?
What the hell does Gregory eat???
Who are some famous people that are fans of survivor?
Who are some old era players you think would fit into the new era landscape?
It always warms my heart when I think about how great of a family life this man has.
How many Inkwells have you got?
Drew Basile on RHAP = must-listen
Caroline’s confessional
The one comment Survivor players say that irritates me
What are the biggest controversies involving the Survivor fandom (rather than the show itself)?
How Did You Get Into the Show?
'Survivor' host Jeff Probst explains Tribal Council jury change
crazy stat about who’s gone home after the past FOUR survivor auctions
What Survivor phrases are you tired of?
It is so wrong that Gabe is receiving death threats
why is nobody talking about how F I N E the new IT guy is??
Full Marks war
My Survivor 47 Episode 5 Bingo Card
"What about Geneviiieeeeve?"