How you guys feel about official servers?
How is this game as a coop game?
Scummy scummy players
Krona Castle pushed by a squad!
I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took 7.62x39mm in the knee…
Give me your opinion
They killed my friends, did the. Best I could
call me Daryl Dixon (1st crossbow kill)
2v1 choke..learn from me🤣
Any Europe/UK guys wanna team up?
guy eats FIVE .308 shots
How hard is it to check a players files to see if they're playing without bushes? This is at least the second time i've died to someone who is obviosly cheating without bushes.
I-I'm too nice?
Insane clutch on hashima island.
Meeting a trio in the woods
No chances
Little kill with dmr (Offical)
One and done primary weapon?
Gave the guy a chance
Camped out⛺️
Years of one in the chamber paying off
Why I love starting again (2v1)
Unsure what "stacking towers" is
DayZ timing is too funny
90% of my DayZ pvp lasts two seconds.