So they are too small to use condoms??
The real size of Africa
What is this, a guitar for ants?
[Request] Could this have broken her arm/wrist/hand?
Didn't think that through
That’s how birds are X-Rayed !!
[Request]How loud would this be? Could we even calculate this?
From skeptical to hooked: The transformational magic of a five-episode test
It's the thought that counts.
Does anyone know what this is? (DualShock 4 controller)
What body type do you Prefer?
Boss surprises employee who has autism.
Cable management
How do I make this image clear?
Does straight hair or curly hair suit my features better?
Dope experiment
What a distinguished gentleman
Do women actually like men with long hair? What are your guys thoughts on being assumed fruity or gay just for having long hair?
My perfect ciggerate holder...
[request] approximately how large would the car have to be in order to be that curved?
How to remove this scratch
The Siren's Serenade - Part 4
Could I rock it?
Said fxck it and been letting my eyebrows grow out into their naturally bushy state. What do you think??
Is my cosplay too low effort?
One method of relocating a rhino