I made a Oopsie
Well I broke my record again
I finally broke 1000
r/Flappydunk Ask Anything Thread
roast us
Someone told me to post it here
That it was funny
Found this well looking at a game booklet
Damien Walters is the first person to run a loop
Completing a puzzle!
Time freezes for 48 hours and you’re the only thing not affected. What do you choose to do?
Green Lake in Tal, Austria. Each year melting snow turns these hiking trails into scuba zones.
First time dad, so I painted my son in oil to celebrate
AITA for telling my former step-son the real reason I didn't see him much after the divorce?
Getting ready for Halloween finally dressed as my idol naruto and my friend is his idol beerus please dont roast too hard we broke a sweat putting on our outfits.
I got mad at him for misbehaving, but now we're watching TV together.
Among Us - Yellow Impostor - Animation
When You search for Google Meet but Zoom comes up first
I’m a 30 year old window cleaner. Roast me!
Dad joke time, kids gather around.
Tongue game on point
So true