Alright. How yall cheatin? 😑
What do I drive?
Guys, I tried...
My car in game vs what I have on my driveway
My idea on how fast travel could work in TXR25
Veilside FD RX7 vs Cinderella Past Midnight on Hard-mode
Pick ups at my local retro game store.
Ai in the home
C1 Inner Loop Ginza time trial challenge: 00:38.79
Would you say the game is worth the current price or is it better to wait for more content/sale?
It be like that sometimes
Dead or alive, you’re coming with me!
When this game will be officially released
My wife finally let me buy tokyo xtreme racer!
In my moment of need, a Melancholic Angel appeared.
Ah, the good old spawn your opponent on top of a car trick
I'm a simple person
Tried to make my fc3s in game( with bonus pictures)
Why is he so fast!?
Giving the Angel something to cry about.
missed the entrance to the parking lot
Anyone running drift setups?
Went through my late uncles ps1 collection, and found some japanese racing games including shutoku battle r
Deserved I guess
Don’t sleep on the Toyota Chaser!