Speech issue
still not good enough
about to relapse
Is there both a formal and informal way Korean names appear in English?
unconsciously set goals
weak body
hunger cues gone again
Forgetting what’s normal
what’s the stupidest thing you thought at your sickest?? (no numbers or counts)
switched antidepressant for the side effects
I think my coworker likes me?
fp said I’m using him
what strands to take
Has anyone here ever been able to “downgrade” your FP to a normal friend?
fp troubles
Which Kpop Idols do you think are forced to play a persona by their company? and what persona is that?
songs not as innocent as you thought
not really a poem
Splitting on FP, Suggestions Welcome
fp told me he liked someone
when did you realize you may have bpd?
Do you lose weight when you come off lexapro?
completed a scenario waaaay too quickly, now idk what to do with my household
My theory on weight gain