If I tell my doctor I don’t feel safe will she let my mom take me home?
After 4 months in the shelter she’s waiting so patiently for her homemade food 🥹
My Pitty sits funnier than yours!
Tell me I’m not the only one
I think my therapist confirmed my suspicions that I do, in fact, have OCD so I’m officially in the club now!!
The OCD Announcer In My Head:
My OCD: You’ve itched your head 3 times in a row so you’d better search your head for lice for the next few hours
brought Lottie home from the shelter today and she insisted on shotgun 🥹
i 💕 pink and weed!!
I'm constantly guilty of a crime 👮 (that my brain made up 🤡)
my first time sharing 🥹
Looking for romantic kidnapping recommendations
first time in public
Most interesting kink you’ve come across