Men, what is holding you back from asking that girl out?
Which celebrity do you find attractive but no one else does?
Your sex life is now called the last thing you watched. What’s the title?
What’s the best and worst show/act you’ve seen at the Edinburgh Fringe?
What’s your favorite phrase or saying that you feel sums up the first few months of infancy?
Which comedian/actor do most people find funny but you don’t?
What is that one ingredient that makes everything that much better?
Which fictional characters are idolized by people who missed the entire point of their story?
Your username causes the end of the world, what killed us all?
What food tastes better slightly ‘overcooked?’
What’s your most played video game this year?
Food answers only, where are you from?
What makes the workday a little better?
If you had the power to never have to worry about one thing in life again, what would it be?
Do you pay for a television licence, if not why?
I sell toilets and toilet accessories.. Roast Me
Would any self respecting Scot vote Tory? If so, why?
[Homemade] Blackened Frog Legs
What’s the best thing you’ve ever got free of charge?
What food is better raw?
What is 100% worse when wet?
Which actor can you not stand to see on your tv?
You have 5 minutes to pack and leave your house forever…. What are you taking?
What do you do for work and do you enjoy it?
what is a name that sounds like its given to a very annoying person?