Google Photos using a less efficient codec?
Gli USA dove trovano tutti 'sti soldi?
What's your opinion on Geert Wilders?
How do I delete this???
Add a positive word to this jar that starts with the first letter of your name.
What do Europeans generally think of Malta?
Sweden's Debate: Should We Use the Euro?
Went to a friend’s house, didn’t expect to find these beauties!
from another Subred. Ukraine and the Vatican going toe to toe here on who is more bad ass.
Least edgelord INTJ🥵🥵
Stvee Gods good Tim coock bad 😑
Invite Code Thread
“free” speech rule
I love bureaucracy
Mac Mini M2 world of tanks download
European Union plans to create ‘land, air and maritime’ rapid reaction force of 5,000 troops
World’s first carbon import tax approved by EU lawmakers