Putin likes sucking pp, and he's also senile old man with bombs and probably possessed by a demon.
WYR date the hottest person in the room or the funniest person in the room?
r/All trial vote - Results
WYR Have a bird crap on your car for every mile you drive or Never be able to go over the speed limit
I'm dying. WYR have what free stuff?
WYR have unexplainable face spasms, or a fear of doctors?
WYR fuck my sister, or watch me do it?
WYR spit in a child's face for money, or murder?
Would you rather go to the past and meet ancient ancestors or go to the future and meet your great great grandchildren?
WYR the world see your entire web history from the moment you were born until present OR have the entire world see your leaked nudes?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
WYR have a pet human, or be one?
WYR cheat, lie, or invade for money?
WYR eat maybe poison potato, or girl/boy?
WYR always urinate Mountain Dew, or gross urine?
eli5 how is it possible that keeping feces in a bag in my freezer, would make burritos in a different open bag taste weird, if it's all frozen?
ELI5: How do ceiling fans collect dust when they're constantly in motion?
WYR be immune to what kind of damage?
A trolley is speeding towards 5 young ladies who tied themselves to the track. You can pull the lever to divert it to the other track, killing 1 man instead. What do you do?
What is falsely seen as a sign of maturity?
cursed video idea
Solo Cup Line Uses
cursed bugs