[ps4] W: wolf ring H: anything im desperate
[ps4] Pls help me
(PS4) Just need to trade across some embers.
[PS4] H: All gear (upgraded) + Souls W: A duel after trading
[PS5] W: karma H: runes
(PS4) anyone have a bunch of the lightning pine
PS4 anyone have a bunch of the lightning pine
[Psx] H:everything W: customers
🌙 [PS5/4] Giveaway 🖤 [H] Everything [W] Karma
[PS5] H: Stuff, W: You to have stuff
[PS4] W: All Rings for trophy H: MULE, Karma, anything!
[PS4] W: Souls H: whatever the fuck you want dm me and get it.
Ps5 W: all weapons and all runes H: karma
[PS4] W: Reduvia H: mule or +karma
🐸 [PSX] W: karma H: ANYTHING your dark maidenless soul covets 🐸
(PS4) can anyone give me souls or weapons anything helps??
Can anyone give me souls or weapons anything helps??
W: great sword katana and ansbach set H: uhh some runes ps5
[Ps5] W: Runes, Euporia Twinblade H: Karma, Doubles of Armor/Weapons
Ps5 W: Karma and a bit of Love H: Everything
ps5 w: a base lvl weapon that's fun to play with h: karma
{PS5} W: consumables H: +karma, ask
[PSX] W: DS3 runes H: ask, most items in both DS3 and elden ring