Who should I get?
What’s one food you hate that you wish you loved?
What do y'all think Moonpaw's sister's name is?
Yesterday I ate an entie pot of beet soup. Today my poop came out in a beautiful red color. What foods can I eat to poop in other interesting colors?
I just opened up your fridge cause i’m thirsty, whats there to drink?
Everyone talks about foods, but do you have a drink that's specific to your region or city?
First purchase with adult money
The Noise Update is 1 year old today!
There's a Girl Scout cookie table just down the street and you only have enough cash for one box. What are you getting?
Things you wish they’d bring back?
Ketchup on eggs or maple syrup on egg?
I love seeing everyone's pictures of their shelties as puppies ❤️
Name the movie
If you could bring back to life any celebrity who died too young, who would it be?
I am not that well.
Which Pizza Tower platform do you choose?
I want to take a nap before dinner, but I'm worried that they'll come to life like Toy Story and destroy my room while I'm sleeping.
Noise demands your last saved image
Any update on digital release
Aladdin realm
How many of you are age 50+?
I ordered this dudes, what should I do when they arrive
What Disney owned IP would be ridiculous but comical in game?
Kick The Cheat not arriving?
What’s an experience you had that felt almost magical?