Is it okay to leave two budgies out for a night?
Who wants a lonely budgie to join their flock?
Who wants to help a lonely budgie?
What else is bad for budgies?
How lucky are you?
Male BPD
My new budgie and my other budgie. NEED NAME IDEAS!!
Update: Can a parakeet bond with someone in a pet store after multiple visits?
Can a parakeet bond with someone in a pet store after multiple visits?
What kind of music or sounds do your budgies like?
my mother for absolutely no reason
AIO? Long distance girlfriend wants to take a break
Lunch for 1 hour. Which table are you picking?
Congratz .. I guess ..?
after two snowstorms and the snow melted, beautiful flowers appeared in the middle of our yard around all the dead plants.
Friend's gecko won't eat- any suggestions?
Never accidentally grown mold this bad, how do i even clean it off?
What 10/10 anime had you like this?
Happy Valentine’s Day to all the snake lovers out there 💛
I got a CUTE boa headed-worm-eel-legless lizard-leviathan hybrid tattoo AND YALL WERE MEAN - so i played w the design
Got a cute snake tattoo - but what kind of snake is it????
Is it better to get an adult or a baby ball python?
Picked this up at the local bargain Bin store for 4$ it’s a “small turtle enclosure” any ideas what it could actually house?
I’ll never try to beat the yellow light again